Risk management & FMEA seminar
De Run ,5504 DR VeldhovenEvent informatie
Companies are challenged by the complexity of technology and the demand of high-quality products. This makes identifying and mitigating risks in an early stage of development essential.
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However, applying good risk management practices and using tools such as Failure Mode and Effect Analyzes (FMEA), often in combination with Statistical Process Control (SPC) and “lessons learned” feedback loops, for product and process development can be challenging.
How do you implement and maintain such important processes? What are typical pitfalls? And what are the key parameters for success? These and other questions will be addressed at the Risk management & FMEA seminar, jointly organized Holland Innovative and ASML.
- 08.00 - 08.40 Welcome & coffee
- 08.45 - 09.00 Opening of the seminar / Tony Vos
- 09.00 - 09.20 Keynote speaker 1 / John Lepper
- 09.20 - 10.05 Keynote speaker 2 / Job van de Sande
- 10.05 - 10.30 Coffee break
- 10.30 - 11.15 Keynote speaker 3 / Jan Braaksma
- 11.15 - 12.00 Keynote speaker 4 / Tsjerk Hoekstra
- 12.00 - 12.45 Keynote speaker 5 / Rob Basten
- 12.45 - 13.30 Lunch
- 13.30 - 14.15 Keynote speaker 6 / Carl S.Carlson
- 14.25 - 15.20 Workshop 1
- 14.25 - 15.20 Workshop 2
- 15.20 - 15.45 Coffee break
- 15.50 - 16.45 Workshop 3
- 15.50 - 16.45 Workshop 4
- 16.50 - 17.10 Plenary closure / Michel Goedings
- 17.10 - 18.15 Informal drinks, networking
Onze sprekers
Tony Vos
ASMLHead of Global Quality & Excellence ASML - Seminar kick off Tony Vos is at ASML responsible for Quality and Excellence with a long track record working in different industries in development, operations, business transformation and quality. He is passionate about customer satisfaction and reducing waste through continuously improving organizations in developing their people, products and services.
John Lepper
GLOBALFOUNDRIESVP Quality GF Global - “ Risk-based thinking in you daily work” Lepper has 37 years of international semiconductor experience including direct fab experience at AMD and GF, Photomask experience at Toppan Photomasks and specialty chemicals for semiconductor manufacturing experience at ATMI. His experience includes engineering, quality, selling, joint-venture management, and operations. He also spent four years living in Europe running the European operations for Toppan.
Job van de Sande
ERIKSHead of D&E Quality and Continuous improvement ERIKS - " Risk Management philosophy to add value for your customer" With close to 15 years of industry and research experience, van de Sande is both practitioner and advocate of (Design for) Six Sigma in product development of sustainable and high-tech solutions. A graduate of Eindhoven University of Technology van de Sande holds a MSc in Innovation Management, a BSc in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences. Additionally, he holds Sande holds a MSc in Innovation Management, a BSc in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences. Additionally, he holds Working as Head of Engineering for ERIKS - a specialized industrial service provider - he combines his knowledge on engineering, innovation management, and SixSigma to enhance quality and accelerate the development of complex customer specific solutions at over 15 engineering teams across Europe. Alongside his professional career, he works as part-time PhD researcher.
Jan Braaksma
TU TwenteAssociate professor in the chair of Maintenance Engineering TU Twente - "FMEA as living document " Jan Braaksma is associate professor in the chair of Maintenance Engineering at the University of Twente. He is the director of the WCM Summer School part of the World Class Maintenance Education Consortium (MEC). He holds a Master’s degree in Business and ICT and a PhD degree in Economics and Business on Asset information for FMEA-based maintenance. Jan’s research focuses on Asset Management and Maintenance Engineering with a special attention for Asset Life Cycle Planning, systems integration and Design for Maintenance.
Tsjerk Hoekstra
SMART PhotonicsVP Engineering Smart Photonics - "FMEA introduction to enable transition from LAB to FAB" Tsjerk Hoekstra gained a PhD in Quantum Optics/Physics and performed his research at the pioneering Photonics and MEMS group from the University Twente in the Netherlands. He has profound expertise in material science, nano/micro technologies, signal processing and systems, software frameworks & integration. He successfully traversed three times the route from start-up to exit in the Optical Telecommunications and Consumer Electronics market sectors working on a global level. He is an expert in bringing new advanced technologies into volume production and onto the market by solving problems down to the quantum level. He has built multiple photonics and MEMS volume production lines and fabs and has successfully led technology transfers into multiple Tier 1 CMOS foundries and conducted business development into most major Optical Network Companies and the top tier Smartphone Manufacturers.
Rob Basten
TU EindhovenAssociate Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology TU Eindhoven - "How to deal with imperfect failure predictions in after-sales services?" Rob van Basten is an associate professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) where he is primarily occupied with after sales services for high-tech equipment: maintenance policies and maintenance optimization, spare parts inventory control, and design of after sales service supply chains. He is especially interested in using new technologies to improve after sales services. For time maintenance. He is further active in behavioral operations management, trying to understand how people can use decision support systems in such a way that they actually improve decisions and add value. Many research projects are interdisciplinary in order to carry out high quality research and solve problems in practice. For the latter reason, research is typically performed in cooperation with high-tech industry.
Carl S.Carlson
Consultant of FMEA, reliability program planning, reliability engineering disciplines - “Good FMEAs, Bad FMEAs, What's the Difference?” Carl S.Carlson is a consultant and instructor in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and reliability program management. He has over 35 years’ experience in reliability testing, engineering, and management positions, supporting clients from a wide cross-section of industries. Previously, he was senior manager for Advanced Reliability Group at General Motors. Mr. Carlson sits on a number of international FMEA standards committees. He is a Certified Reliability Engineer, writes monthly articles and podcasts for AccendoReliability, and his book, Effective FMEAs, was published by John Wiley & Sons.
Workshop 1
1. Risk management from business value perspective - How can risk management creates value within your company/ philosophy
Workshop 2
2. Function driven versus component driven FMEA's - Implications of different FMEA approaches
Workshop 3
3. Risk management in a learning organization - Requirements for success
Workshop 4
4. Customer involvement in FMEA's - To what extent do you allow Customer involvement in FMEA’s?
Michel Goedings
Head of D&E Quality & Continuous Improvement ASML
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